Aphasia, Apraxia, Dysarthria and cognitive/communication impairment may occur following a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or can occur due to other neurological illnesses.


Aphasia affects areas of the brain that control your ability to speak and the words you use or how you understand them.


Aphasia: A person may experience difficulty understanding others (receptive language impairment) or difficulty expressing themselves (expressive language impairment.) There may be experiences with difficulty “getting the word out” or having the word “on the tip of the tongue” (word finding impairment). People may encounter difficulty reading and understanding printed material or have difficulty writing their name, letters, numbers.

This condition is almost always a symptom of another problem, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury. It can also happen as a temporary effect of conditions like migraines. Aphasia is often treatable, especially when the underlying condition is treatable or can heal on its own.


Dysarthria: People with dysarthria experience “slurred” or “mumbled” speech due to limited lip, tongue and jaw movement. There may be changes in pitch, or vocal quality (there may be hoarseness or breathiness).


Apraxia: People with apraxia know what they want to say but have difficulty with the complex neurological coordination of the muscle movements required to say individual speech sounds. People with apraxia have difficulty producing and imitating speech sounds. The errors can include sound distortions, omissions, and substitutions and the error patterns are inconsistent.



What is the difference between aphasia vs. dysarthria, dysphasia or apraxia?

Aphasia is a condition that has a connection or an overlap with several other speech-related disorders and problems, such as dysarthria, dysphasia and apraxia.